Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Nature Notes

A rainy day-

Saw three deer grazing in a logged off area adjacent to the highway on the way home from the city.

In the evening a Downy Woodpecker pecked on the corner of the house. He wasn't exactly welcome, and I had to shoo him away.

With the window open in my computer room, I heard all kinds of bird sounds. Also, heard "plop, plop, plop". At first I thought it was hail coming down until I looked closer and saw the Birch tree cones. And there was Squirrel at the very top working his way through the branches and cutting the cones which then landed at the base of the tree. Wow, that's a sure sign that Autumn is on the way when Squirrel begins harvesting and hoarding food for the winter (shh, I don't want to say the "w" word too loudly yet).