Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Windy Day

It doesn't feel at all like June weather. Yesterday was cool and very blustery and the day before cool and rainy. There is one fabulous benefit to the windy conditions though. I can go for a walk in the forest and take pictures without having mosquitoes land on my hands and face. The wind keeps them nicely away.

I'd been avoiding the trail as much as possible lately due to the hordes of mosquitoes which are always bad at this time of year. So I had fun playing "catch up" to all the blossoming flowers and other changes in the woods. I took scads of photos - too many for one post.

Paintbrush in bud. I'm beginning to see
the Paintbrush everywhere.

One of our first wild flowers to bloom
in the spring, this Arnica is almost spent.

But there are still some Arnica flowers
that are doing all right.

I think this is Vetch, a relative of the Perennial Pea.

Dwarf Dogwood - I saw many of these
along the edges of the trail.

The Juniper is showing a lot of new growth.

We think a bear had been foraging for ants
at this old bleached stump two years ago.
He destroyed part of it, and afterwards
my husband placed a separated piece
across as a marker in case the bear
came back. Every time we walk through
on the trail and come to the end here
we check to see if it's still in the same spot.