Thursday, January 19, 2012

It Is Freezing Here

Thursday, 19th -
8:12 a.m.
Temperature: -32C


As I sit at the computer, the sun streaming in through the frosty window pane feels hot on my shoulder and neck.

Wednesday, 18th -
-32C as the day began.  The birds (chickadees, redpolls, grosbeaks) arrived at the feeders just after 8:00 a.m.  Thank goodness for the sun.  And a cosy fire.

Tuesday, 17th -
It is another very cold day here in the central interior of the province.  The poor birds!

Monday, 16th -
There is an arctic chill to the air.  It was -24C when I took my walk down the road before lunch.  Coming back, I had to pull my scarf even higher around my face due to the wind.